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If women are from Venus and men are from Mars, what planet do babies come from?

Dearest Baby Bee There are many things people tell you when they find out you’re having a baby, things like: 1. It’s such a magical experience 2. You’re going to make such good parents 3. Once you have one you’ll definitely want more I think I can safely   say having a baby isn’t quite the ‘magical’ picture that people paint it to be. There are magical moments and having you is amazing but, there  are a lot of things people don’t tell you, such as: 1. Being a parent is bloody hard work! I thought it would be a pleasant reprieve from my job. 2. Babies are super complex, more so than adults or any creature on earth. I’m starting to wonder if they are actually from this plant. 3. It’s one of the most testing things you will ever do.  4. Statutory maternity pay is not enough to live on especially if you’ve been used to being a two income household.  5. No one prepares a women on what to expect post partum - it’s pretty rough and scary if you don’t know what’s coming. Hair loss, brutal mens

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